Best health apps review

Weight is an important contributor to depressive symptoms. I hear this all the time. Patients try to avoid drugs that will contribute to their weight gain, though at times this is not possible. 
With January and the start of a brand new year, I’ve been hearing a lot of questions about the best way to lose weight. Not everyone can afford a medically supervised weight loss plan, as often insurance companies will not pay for such service. Evidence suggests that folks have the best success in losing weight when they are accountable; I’ve written about this in detail before, so look at my older posts. So how can you maintain how can you be accountable? Writing what you eat and how we exercise in a journal? Sure, that is a good idea. What I would recommend looking into are several applications and resources that I will now review. 
                        Lose it!
This is the application that we use in our weight-loss program at Pearl Health in Idaho Falls However, the application itself is free for anyone! I really like this app. I like that it is easy to use and has a huge database! I got a food item sent from my mom from Europe, scanned it into the app and I was able to recognize it! Amazing!
                        Weight watchers 
I have used weight watchers in the past without using the app, and recently I wanted to try out this application and they let me do it for free for one week. Overall, I like the program. Instead of coming calories, you come to points but the point system is built in such a way that eating healthy foods does not count against you. Four instance having a tilapia filet has zero points. So does a tomato, cucumber or other vegetables. Unlike the program itself, the application wasn’t as easy to use. I’m not sure what was so cranky about it, perhaps that is something that they’ll just need to work on. One thing I did not enjoy about the program, and perhaps I misunderstood something about exercise and points, but no matter what exercise you did, you received three points for 30 minutes. So, if I was running at a moderate effort or just doing some stretching or walking, Again at moderate effort, it would give me the same number of points.

Hang tight for more app reviews, they’ll be coming shortly! 


  1. Thanks for sharing very helpful tips. However, I would also like to share another great health care services IV Vitamin Hydration Therapy provide very helpful services.


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